Tuesday 4 June 2013

Where the hell is Lee Rigby?

The national press today wants us to be outraged that a Muslim preacher has said that Lee Rigby is either in hell or destined for hell.  But what do they expect a Muslim preacher to say?

The Koran makes it perfectly clear that non-believers are destined for hell.  Check if you don't believe me.

Are we to believe that Lee Rigby converted to Islam as he lay dying?

1 comment:

  1. The National press are afraid of saying what the truly want to say for fear of being called racist. It gone crazy, the Muslim preachers teaching sedition should be deported and most of the Muslims here were allowed through due to bad border control. All Muslims should be deported that have no professional knowledge. These killers of our solder Lee Rigby should be castrated then deported along with their entire families but all we can do is protest no body in government has the guts to but their butt on the line. The only people that do represent the people that care about Britain are they BNP and I don't support them! Call me a racist if you wish but I'm married to a very caring Christian African!! That the same with the Christian couple who lost their case on queers living under their roof the Britain we have today is corrupt, lost its values and Church. tontyft
