Monday 17 June 2013

Ian Brady is right.

Moors murderer Ian Brady has claimed that he is no worse than politicians and soldiers.

Brady abducted and murdered five children in the 1960s.  He deserves no sympathy.  Nevertheless I entirely take his point about politicians.  Has the United Kingdom ever had a Prime Minister who was not either a murderer or an accessory to murder?

When David Cameron bombed Libya, it was reported that one missile killed seven civilians.  That one missile killed more innocent victims than Ian Brady ever did.

Readers may be thinking that Brady tortured his victims, which is probably true, and which is terrible - but people killed in wars do not always die neatly.  Bleeding to death in agony is a form of torture.  Lying trapped under rubble while your family stop breathing around you is also a form of torture.

If you vote Labour or Tory or Liberal Democrat, then you are no better than Ian Brady.  You are an accessory to mass murder.  You are the scum of the earth.

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