Thursday 30 May 2013

Two stories from Broken Britain

Here are two reports from today's Daily Express:

Rail bosses faced a furious backlash from fed-up commuters after receiving bonuses of up to £100,000 - despite failing to get trains to run on time.


More than half a million Britons are now reliant on food banks, shocking figures have revealed, as charities call on MPs to investigate the devastating impact of harsh benefit cuts.


Many across the country are being forced to use food banks to stave off hunger as a direct result of having benefit payments delayed, reduced or withdrawn, a report by Church Action On Poverty and Oxfam has warned today.  

Others are being given no option than to turn to charity as soaring food prices, unemployment and energy costs, leave thousands struggling to pay for the most basic of necessities, a stark report revealed. 


Let's get this straight.  NOBODY - no matter how good they are at their job - needs the kind of salary that the rail bosses are receiving.  Nobody who runs the railways as badly as they are run in Britain deserves that kind of salary.


As for the food banks, the British people have a choice.  They can either take a stand against bad government, or they can take their chance for survival in an increasingly unjust country.


If you are not reliant on food banks today, then that could change tomorrow.  When will you find yourself starving?

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