Wednesday 1 May 2013

Musings on the gap year

Let me urge you to read this essay on the BBC website by Daniela Papi.  It is about the penchant many young people in the UK have for volunteering abroad.

There is a lot she says which does not surprise me, and in particular is her allegation of corruption in poor countries.  I have never done voluntary work abroad, but I have met a few young people who have.  Right now I can think of two young people who went to Uganda (but not together), one who went to China, and one who went to Tanzania.  So far as I am aware they all found the experience rewarding.

Nevertheless I cannot help but conclude that one of the main reasons for continued poverty in the third world is a continued failure on the part of people in rich countries to see into the heart of the matter.  I can remember when Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) was a flourishing country, whereas it is now among the poorest countries in the world.  Bechuanaland used to be one of the poorest areas of Africa, whereas Botswana (as it is now known) is now one of the richest countries in Africa.

If you do not know what processes caused Zimbabwe to become impoverished while Botswana grew in prosperity, then maybe you should give the matter some thought.  Doing so could well prove more productive than any gap year.

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