Where to begin? There's so much in today's press. One daily paper has allowed an online comment which asserts that the word Islam translates into English as peace. No, it translates loosely as obedience or submission.
The newspapers are obsessing about the death of a British soldier in Woolwich on Wednesday, and yet the death of a British soldier in Helmand province rarely if ever attracts anything like as much coverage. Maybe this death is just too close to home. The war in Afghanistan is now being waged on our streets.
I would like the newpapers to tell us how many people were killed by British soldiers on Wednesday of this week, and I would like them to explain what the difference is between a person being killed by a British soldier and a British soldier being killed by a person. I accept of course that British soldiers do not normally hack their victims to death with machetes, but a life taken is nevertheless a life taken.
It is also reported that at least one of the killers of Lee Rigby was once a pleasant young man from a Christian family who eventually came under the spell of a Muslim hate preacher. If the British people ever got round to electing a good government, then all the hate preachers could be expelled from this country, and the number of murders committed by Muslims in this country might actually fall.
At least one newspaper has quoted the Muslim Council of Britain as saying that the murder of Lee Rigby has no basis in Islam. They are liars, and the national press are either too stupid or too wicked to note that fact. (I have already quoted from The Koran in previous posts.)
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