Friday, 31 May 2013

The sad story of Chris from Hertfordshire

What follows is an edited version of a comment which was recently posted on the website of a national newspaper.  The author is Chris from Hertfordshire.  The comment is followed by my own response.

I'm 58, and have been unemployed since October 2009 after 35 years employment. My savings have run out and I can't afford any sort of a social life. I don't even bother to go for a wander around town - what's the point? I can't even afford to buy a cup of coffee ... I have lost any sense of myself or life having any meaning. I used to be a Project Manager and I managed multi million pound projects. My family doesn't understand why no one will offer me a job - neither do I, but I don't even get an interview when I apply.

Chris, what has happened to you could just as easily happen to almost anyone.  Very few people can realistically claim to be immune from the danger of long term unemployment.

The reason why no one will give you an interview is that unemployment is very high, and almost any job advertisement can expect to receive dozens – if not hundreds – of applications.  At least some of those applications will be from people currently in work or only recently out of work.  Those people will almost always be favoured above the long term out of work – sad but true.

Chris, when you worked as a project manager, did you ever recruit?  If so, did you always treat long term unemployed applicants no less favourably than anyone else?

Another thing Chris – have you ever been a member of a political party which has realistic policies for achieving full employment?  If the answer is yes, then you are in a tiny minority.  If the answer is no, then are you not in part at least the architect of your own downfall?

Have you seen the bomber command thug?

Police are hunting the man who vandalised the bomber command memorial.  I do not know who this person is, and neither do I condone what he did.  However I also am not hugely bothered about whether or not he is identified.

The are probably hundreds or maybe even thousands of acts of vandalism taking place every day in this country.  How is this one act of vandalism any worse than any other?

More importantly, what kind of a country do we live in where we have such a memorial?  Bomber command were murderers, and to commemorate them makes about as much sense as commemorating Jack the Ripper.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Two stories from Broken Britain

Here are two reports from today's Daily Express:

Rail bosses faced a furious backlash from fed-up commuters after receiving bonuses of up to £100,000 - despite failing to get trains to run on time.


More than half a million Britons are now reliant on food banks, shocking figures have revealed, as charities call on MPs to investigate the devastating impact of harsh benefit cuts.


Many across the country are being forced to use food banks to stave off hunger as a direct result of having benefit payments delayed, reduced or withdrawn, a report by Church Action On Poverty and Oxfam has warned today.  

Others are being given no option than to turn to charity as soaring food prices, unemployment and energy costs, leave thousands struggling to pay for the most basic of necessities, a stark report revealed. 


Let's get this straight.  NOBODY - no matter how good they are at their job - needs the kind of salary that the rail bosses are receiving.  Nobody who runs the railways as badly as they are run in Britain deserves that kind of salary.


As for the food banks, the British people have a choice.  They can either take a stand against bad government, or they can take their chance for survival in an increasingly unjust country.


If you are not reliant on food banks today, then that could change tomorrow.  When will you find yourself starving?

Police get shot at in London

The Daily Mail reports:

Ricardo Miles, 21, Daniel Ikumelo, 23, and Adebola Alimi, 22, cycled through the streets of Hackney, east London, armed with a gun searching for enemies in a gangland feud.   When an unmarked police car pulled up alongside the trio, Miles turned and fired the .45 revolver at the officers.

By a curious coincidence, all three men have black skins.

Police officers in Britain today are happy to persecute those few brave citizens who dare to speak out against the moral chaos into which this country is descending.  I know this for a fact, as I have met at least four people who have suffered police persecution of one sort or another.

But I don't expect that many police officers care about what I think.  Let them keep on persecuting patriots, and when black men turn guns on the police, then I hope their guns continue to jam.  I really do - honestly.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Hannah Seeley is dead

Hannah Seeley was just 23yo when she was killed by idiot driver Luke Anderson.  He has been sentenced to sixteen months in prison, and will presumably be out in less than a year.

Hannah Seeley was not a soldier.  She never served in an illegal war.  I am upset that she was killed.  I am FAR MORE upset about her death than I am about the death of Lee Rigby.

In addition to his prison sentence, Luke Anderson has been banned from driving for two years.  What is wrong with a lifetime ban?  Take a life, get a life.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Woolwich was no hoax

Here is a simple message to anyone who clings to the idea that the murder of Lee Rigby was a hoax.  If it had been a hoax, then his alleged killers would be dead.  The fact that they are alive, and at least one is now in police custody, leaves me in no doubt that they really did murder a British soldier.

The reason why Jean Charles de Menezes is dead, and the reason why the four alleged 7/7 suicide bombers are dead (despite not one of them setting foot in the underground), is because the 7/7 bombings were orchestrated by people with the power to make it look like the work of someone else.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Ryan French is dead

Ryan French was just sixteen when he ended his life by walking in front of a train in his home town of Rayleigh.  Apparently he was concerned about internet rumours about him, and was also a regular drug user.

The press is busy reporting the defacement of war memorials and mosques.  I could be wrong, but I suspect that any Muslim found guilty of defacing a war memorial will be fined, while anyone found guilty of defacing a mosque will be jailed.  Meanwhile, people who spread vile rumours on the internet will largely go unpunished, and drugs will continue to be widely available.

Ryan French lived and died in a country ruled by evil communists.

Railway misery

So a national newspaper has run an essay about a nightmare on the railways.

First, there is no requirement on Britain's railways to have a seat booked.  Therefore overcrowding is possible.  Second, on a bank holiday weekend we should expect a greater likelihood of overcrowding. Third, trains do break down from time to time.

Fourth, people who argue for renationalisation of the railways should reflect that the railways were far from perfect before privatisation.  We had crowded trains in those days. We had trains that crashed and trains that broke down.  I once travelled on an express train which had no buffet car, although I did take my own food.  Other passengers had to starve.

And worst of all, people were killed falling from trains because British Rail refused to admit that locks on train doors were faulty, and the government were stupid enough to believe them.

The QC and the PM

A judge called Alan Goldsack has called for the state to intervene to stop the ‘next generation of criminals’. Apparently this means that he wants babies born to criminal families to be taken away by Social Services and put with foster parents.

Does Alan Goldsack think that David Cameron should have his children taken away? After all, we don't want his children to grow up thinking it's acceptable to bomb Libya, do we?

In related news, it seems that the national press has a problem with David Cameron being on holiday overseas at a time when he ought to be back home running the country.  Given that he is clueless, surely it matters not whether he is at work or on holiday.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Good news from Derby

The BBC is reporting that a homeless hostel in Derby has been saved from closure thanks to the generosity of local people, thousands of whom have agreed to pay a small monthly contribution.  Then again, the hostel would never have been facing closure in the first place if the local council had not seen fit to withdraw funding.

Apparently the local council is run by the Labour Party.  Would Ed Miliband care to comment?

Cameron pretends to get tough

It appears that Prime Minister David Cameron is going to set up an organisation called the Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Task Force in a bid to waste even more public money.  What else should we expect from a communist like him?

Meanwhile, the French - who to be fair are not killing Muslims in Afghanistan - have just had an attempt made on the life of one of their soldiers. Apparently his throat was cut by a Muslim man while on anti-terror duties.

Here is a quote from The Koran:

I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. [8:12]

If this French soldier is not a Muslim, then presumably his attacker was acting in accordance with Islamic teaching.

If David Cameron is serious about tackling Islamic terrorism, then he should start by accepting that Islam is a religion based upon a book which says .... well ... what The Koran says.  He should also bring all our troops back from Afghanistan, but he should do that even if Lee Rigby were still alive.

The lawsuit of Mr O

It is reported that a man known only as Mr O is suing the British government for giving British taxpayers' money to the oppressive government of his native Ethiopia.  He claims that some of the money was spent on persecuting himself and others.  If he is telling the truth, then I hope he wins his case.

What I do know for certain is that there is no justification for the British government to fund Stalinist regimes anywhere in the world.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Two women are victims ... what happens?

Just under a year ago, Cinnamon Heathcote Drury was found not guilty of a racially aggravated assault on a Muslim immigrant woman.  She was lucky that a jury chose to believe her version of events.  The CPS did not.  She maintains that she herself was the victim of an assault, but that the police chose to treat her as the attacker rather than the victim.

Laura Fernee recently claimed that someone had posted online that she should have acid thrown in her face.  Have the police made any effort to identify and prosecute that person?  Or are they too busy persecuting innocent victims?

Friday, 24 May 2013

Stockholm on fire

The murder of Lee Rigby has given the British press an excellent opportunity to give little or no coverage to the ongoing riots in Stockholm.  I don't know much detail, but these riots have been going on for some days now, and it appears that the rioters are mainly from immigrant communities.  It appears also that the rioters are mainly from impoverished communities.

The government of Sweden could of course take into account such things as poverty and immigration when legislating, but do they?

Woolwich: more bad press coverage

Where to begin?  There's so much in today's press.  One daily paper has allowed an online comment which asserts that the word Islam translates into English as peace.  No, it translates loosely as obedience or submission.

The newspapers are obsessing about the death of a British soldier in Woolwich on Wednesday, and yet the death of a British soldier in Helmand province rarely if ever attracts anything like as much coverage.  Maybe this death is just too close to home.  The war in Afghanistan is now being waged on our streets.

I would like the newpapers to tell us how many people were killed by British soldiers on Wednesday of this week, and I would like them to explain what the difference is between a person being killed by a British soldier and a British soldier being killed by a person.  I accept of course that British soldiers do not normally hack their victims to death with machetes, but a life taken is nevertheless a life taken.

It is also reported that at least one of the killers of Lee Rigby was once a pleasant young man from a Christian family who eventually came under the spell of a Muslim hate preacher.  If the British people ever got round to electing a good government, then all the hate preachers could be expelled from this country, and the number of murders committed by Muslims in this country might actually fall.

At least one newspaper has quoted the Muslim Council of Britain as saying that the murder of Lee Rigby has no basis in Islam.  They are liars, and the national press are either too stupid or too wicked to note that fact. (I have already quoted from The Koran in previous posts.)

Thursday, 23 May 2013

David Cameron on Islam, and the EDL "threat"

Commenting on the events in Woolwich, David Cameron has noted that there is nothing in Islam which justifies this horrific act. Here are two of my favourite quotes from The Koran:

Fight those who do not believe in Allah [9:29]

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned [5:33]

Either David Cameron is hugely misinformed about Islam, or else he is a liar.  I suspect the latter.

In other news, it appears that various people are worried about the EDL.  The Daily Express reports:

Far-right extremists sent fear surging through Asian communities last night as they tried to stoke-up revenge attacks.

It appears that once again the press is using Asian as a euphemism for Muslim.  As it happens, the two men shot in Woolwich yesterday are not Asian, although they are Muslim.

As for the EDL, I do not support them, but neither do I see any reason to insult them with meaningless tags.  What does far-right mean?  What does extremist mean?  David Cameron bombed Libya, and murdered innocent civilians.  Does he qualify as either far-right or extremist?

If there are any attacks on mosques, then I expect that the people responsible will be prosecuted and imprisoned - unless of course David Cameron decides to attack any mosques.  He appears to be above the law - like just about every British prime minister before him.

I was wrong - and glad to be wrong

I thought yesterday that the two men shot by the police in Woolwich were dead.  It now appears that they are not.  It appears that they are under arrest in hospital.  I am very pleased.

I expect that in due course they will be put on trial for murder, but maybe not.  Maybe someone high up in the establishment will have them quietly murdered before that can happen.  After all, a murder trial could be very embarrassing for the British government.

Apparently the full lecture given by one of the killers was as follows:

We swear by the almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone.  We must fight them as they fight us - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

I apologise that women have had to witness this today, but in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government.  They don't care about you.

Do you think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start bussin' our guns? You think politicians are going to die?

No, it's going to be the average guy like you, and your children, so get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so you can all live in peace.

While this is undoubtedly a threat, it is nevertheless a very logical threat.

Hear the words of a killer - and learn

Why was the man in the charity tee shirt murdered?  Were his killers Muslims who had had enough of seeing their brethren murdered by British troops in Afghanistan?

I wrote those words yesterday, at which point I knew very little about the incident in Woolwich.  These words were spoken by one of the killers (and I have seen a video of him speaking the last four sentences):

We swear by Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reasons we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day.

This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth.  We apologise that women had to see this today but in our lands our women have to see the same.

You people will never be safe.  Remove your government.  They don't care about you.

While I do not condone the murder of the soldier, I utterly condemn British involvement in illegal wars. If you vote Labour or Tory or LibDem, then you are the scum of the earth.

I will repeat those last four sentences:

We apologise that women had to see this today but in our lands our women have to see the same.

You people will never be safe.  Remove your government.  They don't care about you.

Got that?

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

College violence in Shropshire

Xenna Kristian from Sropshire was attacked at college by another girl, and teachers did nothing.
Although this attack was far from life-threatening, it is nevertheless yet another example of violent Britain.  The girl who attacked Xenna should be jailed, and the teachers who did not intervene should be sacked and barred from the profession.

So what did happen in Woolwich?

Early reports are that a man wearing a tee shirt bearing the logo of an armed forces charity has been beheaded in Woolwich by two men who were then shot dead by the police.

Why was the man in the charity tee shirt murdered?  Were his killers Muslims who had had enough of seeing their brethren murdered by British troops in Afghanistan?

And who were the two men shot dead by the Old Bill?  Were they really a pair of murderous thugs?  Or were they are pair of innocent bystanders?

Is there perhaps going to be a link to Syria?  Was the man in the charity tee shirt murdered as part of a government plan to build public support for a war against Syria?  The only thing that appears certain is that three more lives have been snuffed out on the mean streets of the hellhole that goes by the name of Greater London.

Update: it appears that the killers yelled Islamic slogans, which does not at all surprise me.

Health tourism - another benefit of enrichment

At least one newspaper today is reporting an increase in health tourism, and the fact that many people from foreign countries who come here to use NHS services then return to their home countries without paying for their treatment.  Also, some are unwilling either to return home or to pay.

One solution would be to make it harder for foreign nationals to enter Britain in the first place, although this would not go down well with people in Britain who have family living abroad.  Another solution would be to make it harder for people to get NHS treatment if they cannot demonstrate their entitlement, although this might make life difficult for people who are legally in the country.

Would you, assuming you are entitled to NHS treatment, be able to prove your entitlement? Could you prove it today?  Tomorrow? Next week?

One option for the government is to allow health tourism to continue unchecked, regardless of the cost.  It would be expensive, but any other option might cause unexpected problems.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Lending money at interest: I call it usury.

Stephen Fossey has been spared prison for operating as a loan shark.  While he was breaking the law by not having a permit, he was nevertheless lending at fairly modest rates of interest, imposing no penalty charges, and never threatening anyone he loaned to.

Payday loan firms habitually charge truly shocking rates of interest, and are acting legally.  I merely observe the fact.

Lending money at interest is quite simply usury. It is an old-fashioned word, but entirely fitting.

Four million pounds and counting ...

Apparently the British government has so far spent four million pounds on trying to remove Abu Qatada from the country ... and of course he is still here.

The solution is to stop voting for vermin, and elect a government which will take Britain out of the Council of Europe.  This is the organisation behind the European Court of Human Rights.  Britain can decide its laws for itself, but this will not happen until the British people awake from their daydream.

Monday, 20 May 2013

The story of a narrow garage

Andy Birkhead and Claire Walker bought a new-build in Huddersfield from Persimmon, and later found out to their horror that the garage was too small for their cars.  One car would not fit inside at all as it was too wide, and the other car would fit, but not with enough space for the driver to open the door to get out.

As Britain struggles to accommodate its rapidly expanding population, it is fair to assume that at least some companies will continue to build houses with garages which are too small to be of much use - or any use.

In fact many people will find themselves unable to afford a house with any kind of a garage.  At least Andy and Claire can keep their lawnmower in their garage.  In fact, let's face it - many people cannot afford to buy a house ... or even a flat.

Just what is a NIMBY?

NIMBY is an acronym which stands for not in my back yard.  A NIMBY is someone who - for example - objects to a wind turbine being built near their house, but who does not object in principle to wind turbines.

You are not a NIMBY if you object to HS2 provided that you oppose the entire project, and not merely the fact that the route runs a tad close to your own home.

NIMBY is a term of abuse much favoured by developers and their friends in the government, but sadly it is also in many cases an entirely appropriate term of abuse.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

The manifold causes of crime

I urge all visitors to this blog to read this fascinating essay by Nick Ross about crime.  He talks a lot of sense, and yet all the same he is perhaps in his own way as guilty of error as the people he criticises.

When in the 1990s the then leader of the opposition Tony Blair talked about crime, he did so from a classic left wing perspective.  The mantra was "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime".  Crime was the result of injustice in society.  It is true that areas of high unemployment were often areas of high crime, and yet many people were far from convinced when Blair wanted us to believe that reducing poverty would automically lead to less crime.

Conservative party politicians or supporters often talk about crime in terms of a lack of discipline or the decline of family values, and there is definitely something in this.  For example I read a few years back about how a prison in Africa had greatly reduced the reoffeding rate by teaching inmates about The Bible. I also remember a letter in a newspaper from a former colonial magistrate who had dramatically cut the local crime rate through a policy of sentencing people to be flogged.

As Nick Ross points out, car theft fell in the 1990s, but not as the result of the government tackling social injustice, and neither as the result of the government bringing back flogging.  It fell because people were buying cars that were difficult to steal. I remember in 1991 buying a video player for £150, when I could easily have paid as much as £400 for a video recorder.  I also remember a colleague at work saying that he had been burgled, but that nothing had been taken.  I remarked that burglars wanted video recorders, and he said he did not have one.

If the number of burglaries falls, then it can be for several reasons.  It could be because people are buying security alarms and CCTV, or it could be because people do not have anything worth going to prison for.  I can buy a DVD player for less than £30.  Why should anyone want to burgle my home for that?  Then again, a fall in the number of burglaries could happen because people are going to church, or because married couples are not divorcing, or because fewer people are living in poverty, or because there are more police officers on the streets.

The trouble with the last four points is that each one of them should logically account for a reduction in crime generally, not just in the number of burglaries.

As a patriot, I recognise a huge correlation between the level of crime and the level of immigration.  Nick Ross, as a BBC man, would perhaps be less likely to see this correlation.  How many murders are committed by immigrants? How many stabbings? How many rapes?  How much poaching?

If eastern Europeans in Peterborough steal fish from the river, then all they are doing is what anyone other person in the vicinity can do. So why don't the native British people in that locality go poaching.  Can Nick Ross explain this?

Ross points out that the homicide rate in this country peaked in 2002, which may well be true.  However it had previously been rising for many years at a time of high immigration.  The homicide rate remains high, and yet it ought to be falling.  Remember the Dundee gun shop murder of 1989?  It was solved using CCTV footage at a time when CCTV was prohibitively expensive.  It is now widespread.  Add to that the advent of DNA profiling at around the same time.  Surely these two advances should make murders far easier to clear up, and thereby discourage people from turning to homicide. Can Nick Ross explain why this has not happened?

I congratulate Nick Ross for the extent to which he makes sense.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Another danger we vote for

I have just read about a woman who was conned out of a fortune by a man who turned out to be a gambler.   There is no excuse for what this horrid man did, but I cannot help but wonder if he would have been a confidence trickster had he not also been a gambler.

John Major introduced the national lottery, and the subsequent Labour government further relazed the gambling laws.  Maybe it is time we started voting for politicians who want to tighten the gambling laws.  I can dream.

Police priorities

Mohammed Saleem was murdered while in April, and it is being reported that more than a hundred police officers are investigating his murder, and that the police officer in charge has vowed to leave no stone unturned in trying to find his killer.

Richard Everitt was murdered nearly twenty years ago in an Asian pack attack, and the police have so far managed to identify just one of his killers.  I merely observe the fact.

And when are the police going to arrest David Cameron for bombing Libya?

Friday, 17 May 2013

That Beeb interview with Farage

I have no love for UKIP leader Nigel Farage.  In fact I find him an utterly horrible man.  Nevertheless I utterly condemn the way in which fifty or so evil lefty trouble-makers laid into him in the Royal Mile the other day.

The newspapers today are reporting on a telephone interview conducted with Farage by the BBC in Scotland which concluded with him hanging up.  I have listened to this interview in full, and I have to say that while the interviewer covers relevant topics, he is nonetheless pretty rude.

While there is clearly a lot of public support for Farage, I am not sure it was a good idea to describe the scum from the Royal Mile as fascists and racists.  Maybe communists would have been a more suitable word.

Anyway, Farage did not speak out in 2009 when Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons were attacked by a communist hate mob on College Green.  Farage is as evil as the Royal Mile fifty, and I would never vote for him or for his hamster of a party.

Who killed Katie Littlewood?

15yo Katie Littlewood was killed by a train while crossing a railway line near to her home in Hertfordshire.  She may have been wearing an iPod, and may have been texting.

People really do take their lives in their hands when they walk down the street listening to music or textingNevertheless it is fair to point out that Katie would not have been hit by a train if the level crossing had been replaced by a bridge.

Of course a bridge would cost money to build, but Britain squanders billions of pounds every year on illegal foreign wars, aid to African tyrants, and so on.  If you vote in elections for politicians who prefer to waste money than spend it on useful things like bridges over railway lines, then you can reasonably claim to be an accessory to the death of Katie Littlewood.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

A lecture from a doctor

Charlotte Comer, a mother of two from Devon, was told by her GP that Britain is over-populated, and that it is irresponsible for anyone to have more than two children.

If Britain really is over-populated, then maybe we should stop immigration completely at once.  What does the doctor say to that?

Beware of strange men

Most of us have probably had the experience where an old man comes up to you on the tube train or in a shopping mall and starts telling you his life story or his view of the world - or something.

Anyway, today an old man came up to me in a public place and urged me to check out something online.  I expected it to be some bizarre conspiracy theory, but the truth is ... well, watch for yourself.

I know that videos are sometimes removed from YT, so here are two versions of the said video.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

"Unacceptable" and "medieval" mean what exactly?

Seven men in Oxford have been convicted of involvement with a paedophile gang.  Their names are Mohammed Karrar, Akhtar Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Bassam Karrar, Kamar Jamil, Assad Hussain, and Zeeshan Ahmed. Could they possibly be Muslims?

The Daily Mirror reports:

Jon Brown, of the NSPCC children's charity, said: "The girls were let down by those who were meant to care for them and obvious signs of abuse were missed. Their treatment was unacceptable."

The Daily Mail reports:

Jon Brown, of the NSPCC, said: ‘The Oxford grooming trial has been a grim reminder that even though we are living in the 21st century some people have retained medieval attitudes towards young girls.’

What does unacceptable mean?  Does it mean that the politicians who for years ignored the problem of Muslim paedophile gange should be punished?

Also what does medieval mean?  Islam is a medieval religion.  It was cobbled together at the end of the seventh century.  The Koran promises sex slaves in the hereafter for Muslim men, and says that Muslim men are allowed to have up to four wives, and are allowed to beat and rape their wives.  They are allowed sex with any woman they can possess with their right arms.

Update: the council chief executive and the chief of police are both refusing to resign over this scandal.

Did you betray Tia Sharp?

What a surprise - not!  People are calling for convicted child murderer Stuart Hazell to be hanged.  And how many of these people voted at the last general election for a political party which supported bringing back the death penalty?

Are you a member of a political party which supports bringing back the death penalty?  If not, then it is likely that you are partly responsible for the murder of Tia Sharp.

There are three main arguments against bringing back the death penalty.  The first is a belief that the state does not have the right to take the life of one of its citizens.  Most voters in this country are happy to vote for a political party which will bomb other countries and murder innocent people.  Surely it is hypocritical of such people to think it wrong for a man to be hanged who has just been convicted of a terrible crime.

A second objection is that hanging would not deter crime, but the plain fact is that the threat of a lengthy jail sentence did not deter Stuart Hazell from murdering Tia Sharp, and neither does it deter hundreds of other killers in this country.

A third objection is that the return of the death penalty might result in an innocent person being hanged.  While this cannot be ruled out as a possibility, there are things which can be done about it.  Lessons can be learnt from known examples of miscarriages of justice.  Let's be clear about this.  Tia Sharp was not hanged for a crime she did not commit.  She was murdered because the British people cannot be bothered to elect a government which will bring back the death penalty.

Innocent people die every year in this country because we do not have the death penalty.  That will not change until ordinary people stop voting for politicians who will not bring back the rope.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

UKIP councillor throws in the towel

It appears that a UKIP county councillor called Eric Kitson has decided to quit the council after sharing images on his Facebook page on the subject of Islam (and at least one about Jewry).

Having looked at some of the images, I do think he acted unwisely.  For example one of the images appears to claim that Adolf Hitler had a Jewish grandfather, whereas I believe that the paternity of Alois Hitler is in fact unknown.  As for the images of Islam, at least one of them implies that it is acceptable to kill Muslims.

Anyone who finds these images offensive is either even more offended by the fact that the United Kingdom recently bombed Libya and murdered huge numbers of people (most if not all of them Muslims) or else is a hypocrite.

Eric Kitson's shenanigans do not deter me from voting UKIP.  The fact that UKIP think it acceptable to vote for the terrorist scum of the Conservative Party does.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Immigration and housing

Tory chairman Grant Shapps has apparently said something about the Labour Party's record on immigration.  He omits to point out that the Conservative Party IS the Labour Party.  The Labour Party and the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats are three heads on one monster.  All three support the United Kingdom being overwhelmed by immigrants.  Arguing about the level of immigration is pretty pointless.

Take housing.  Britain's population is increasingly rapidly, owing in large part to immigration.  This creates a need for new housing, which in turn puts increasing pressure on green belt land.  As there is always some opposition to green belt development, the pace of house building can never quite match the pace of population increase.  As a result, thousands of people are forced to live rough, while hundreds of thousands more are forced to live in substandard accommodation.

It is true that if the level of immigration is reduced then the pace of house building might be able to match the increase in population.  As a result, the number of people living rough on the streets or in garden sheds might actually fall.  Nevertheless, we would still be losing our green belt land, and many of us would still end up living in tiny houses with little or no garden.

More on immigrant murder

Statistics have just been published for rape and murder convictions, and the number of suspects who are foreigners.  With regards to the link, notice how the comments are arguing for deportation for violent foreigners.

While deportation has much to commend it, a policy of deportation is not going to happen while the British people continue to vote in elections for worthless politicians like Cameron and Miliband and Clegg.

Furthermore, deportation alone is not the solution.  Consider the case of Genet Kidane, murdered by Younas Beraki in 2011.  Beraki was deported from this country THREE TIMES before the murder was committed.

Britain needs a simple law.  Anyone who returns to this country after being deported should be hanged.  Would you like me to say that again?
Anyone who returns to this country after being deported should be hanged.

I hate gambling

Oxfordshire Trading Standards are campaigning to make people in that county aware of scams such as bogus lotteries.  Apparently a pensioner in that county lost his thirty thousand pound savings to a scam.

Sadly, a lot of people in this country lose money to the national lottery - founded by John Major - and yet that lottery is entirely legal.  The national lottery is not the same as a lottery scam, because with the national lottery you do actually stand a chance of winning some money.  Nevertheless most people lose money, and there is no legal cap on how much you can spend on lottery tickets, and so there is also no legal cap on how much you can lose.

The Labour government which followed on from John Major's Conservative government further relaxed the gambling laws, and the present ConDem government has not yet seen fit to protect the people of this country with new legislation.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Vegetarian Muslims

Schools in Leicester may have been accidentally serving pork to Muslims.  Meat labelled as halal has been found to contain pork - which Muslims are expected not to eat - and the BBC is reporting that imams (Muslim clerics) are advising Muslim pupils to eat vegetarian food for the time being.  That is excellent news.

Halal meat comes from an animal which was killed according to the rules laid down by the Halal Food Authority.  I quote from their website:

The animal ... must be conscious and alive when it is slaughtered.  (They might want to rephrase that.  It can hardly be conscious and dead.)

Halal slaughter is cruel and barbaric, and should not be allowed in a civilised country.  And yet Halal meat is not only permitted in this country, but is often supplied to people who are not Muslims and who are not aware that it derives from an animal which was conscious when it bled to death.  One of the good things about eating pork is that at least you can be confident that the pig was not killed in this way.

If we are going to have Muslims in this country, then they might as well be vegetarian Muslims.

Bedroom tax suicide

53yo Stephanie Bottrill killed herself because she could not cope with the bedroom tax.  Living alone in a three-bedroom property, her housing benefit was reduced by twenty pounds per week.  She was offered a smaller property, but it was not in a suitable location.

People hit by the bedroom tax have various options open to them in theory, but the reality is often quite harsh.

The ideal solution is to find a job which pays enough to allow you to pay your rent in full, but sadly we have an evil ConDem government which cannot be bothered to help the unemployed find work.

Another solution is to move to a smaller property, but there are very few smaller properties out there.  Another solution is to squeeze money from your other benefits to offset what you lose on your housing benefit, but that is also tricky for many people.

Another solution is to find people to move into your home and occupy your spare bedroom (or bedrooms), but this too is not easy.  For example many social housing landlords do not allow tenants to take lodgers.  In fact I'm not sure any of them do.

I confidently expect that this will be the first of many bedroom tax suicides - although I'd like to be proven wrong.

Update: it appears that this woman was unable to work because of a medical condition.

Vlad, get a life

Not content with meeting Obama's evil sock puppet John Kerry, Vladimir Putin has now met with David Cameron.  Why?  What benefit can there possibly be for the Russian people in their president wasting time with the vile monstrosity that currently occupies 10 Downing St?

Saturday, 11 May 2013

The story of Jack Monroe makes me angry

I am very impressed by the story of Jack Monroe, a young woman from Southend who has worked out how to feed herself and her 3yo son on around £10 per week.  However it makes me angry to think that she did this out of necessity.

[Edit: the original video linked to above has been deleted, and so I have substituted this new one.]

What kind of society do we live in where a young mother has only ten pounds per week to feed herself and her child?  While many people both in the public and private sectors earn huge salaries which they neither need nor deserve, many more people are struggling to stave off hunger.

This is the natural product of LibLabCon misrule.  If you vote Labour or Tory or LibDem, then you are voting to make people go hungry.  Maybe it will be your turn next.

Another fat cat

Barry Tootell has resigned as chief executive of the Co-operative Banking Group, apparently because the bank is struggling with its finances.  I do not know how much he was paid as chief exec, but I imagine it was more than the minimum wage, and probably a lot more.

It is common and has been for many years now for company directors to earn salaries that resemble telephone numbers.  I have heard it argued that directors deserve their salaries if they can make companies more competitive.  What I would like to know is whether or not the directors of a failing company should repay their salaries on the grounds that they were obviously unfit for purpose?

Maybe the government could legislate on regulating directorial salaries to ensure that the good are rewarded but not the inept.  Don't hold your breath.

Do you need another reason to hate the LibDems?

Chris Huhne is just days away from being released from prison and returning to a cushy job in the energy industry on £437 PER HOUR.

And in case you didn't know, he used to be the cabinet minister for energy.  Are we supposed to believe that he served his country in that job?  Or was he just feathering his own nest?  I can think of 437 reasons to believe that the latter is true - and yet the LibDems are silent, as are the Tories and Labour.

If Huhne had any decency, he would either not work in the energy industry or else work for just the minimum wage.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Now study Islam

Apparently there has been yet another academic study suggesting a link between lads' mags and anti-social behaviour in men.  It may well be true that photos of oiled up topless women cause some men to objectify women, and it may also be true that adverts which promote a concept of masculinity as aggressive have a similar effect.

Maybe the academics who carry out these studies would like to consider the following passage from The Koran:

Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like  (2.223)

Could there possibly be a link between The Koran and anti-social behaviour in at least some Muslim men?  Are any of Britain's academics brave enough to ask the question?

In related news, seven men have been jailed for running a child prostitute ring.  Two of them have been named as Ahdel Ali and Mubarek Ali.  Would I be correct in assuming that they are Muslims?

Update:  I have since found out that the other five men were called Mohammed Islam Choudhrey, Mohammed Ali Sultan, Mohammed Younis, Mahroof Khan, and Tanveer Ahmed.  Three sex offenders called Mohammed - whatever next?

Teens smile as they kill

Paula Castle died last year at the age of 85.  She would probably have lived to a greater age if two teenage thugs had not killed her.  They took her money and spent it on pizza.  Both are violent career criminals, despite being still of school age.  Their punishment is six years in prison.

Maybe this enrages you.  Maybe you want the government to bring back hanging at once.  Are you a member of a political party which supports bringing back the death penalty?  Have you ever been?  Have you ever voted for such a party?

Also, these teens are both non-white, although one might be mixed race.  Do you support a political party which has a realistic view of the link between immigration and crime?