Sunday, 3 May 2015

Communism in the USA: North Charleston and Baltimore

The deaths of two black men in the USA have dominated the news in recent weeks.  The first is the fatal shooting of Walter Scott by a white police officer called Michael Slager in the city of North Charleston in South Carolina.  The second is the death in police custody of Freddie Gray in the city of Baltimore in Maryland.

The death of Walter Scott appears to have no justification in law, and Slager has been charged with first degree murder.  There does not appear to be any racial dimension to the shooting, however, as Slager was assisted by a fellow officer called Clarence Habersham, who is black.

Freddie Gray died apparently as a result of injuries sustained during an unlawful arrest, and six officers have been charged with various crimes in connection with his death.  Three of these officers are non-white, and so once again there does not appear to be a racial dimension to the death.

I find it curious that the communist troublemaker Al Sharpton has said that the death is not a matter of black versus white, but has also called for more black police officers in South Carolina.

I also find it disturbing that many black people took part in a riot in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray.  Apparently a lot of black people in that city feel it proper to react to the injustice of a black man's death by trashing a grocery store and stealing lots of junk food.  If someone can explain the logic ...

Related previous posts include:
Communism in the USA: Ferguson

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