Sunday, 26 April 2015

The destruction of Kathmandu

More than two thousand people have been killed by an earthquake in Nepal, and the aftershocks may claim yet more lives.  Many buildings in the capital city of Kathmandu have been reduced to rubble, and many more are unsafe.

A young Nepalese woman - a nurse - has reported on Facebook how she helped evacuate the hospital where she works, and has since returned to her duties.  She claims she is serving her country, and yes she is.  Compare this with the revolting lie that is perpetuated in far too many western countries that soldiers are serving their country when they take part in illegal wars.

After Japan was struck by a far more destructive earthquake in 2011, the Japanese people moved swiftly to rebuild their country, and the people of Nepal would be well advised to follow their example.  By contrast, if London were to be devastated by an earthquake, then any rebuilding work would be delayed by bureaucracy and completed at far more than the budgeted price.

In one of my previous posts I included a clip from the film How The West Was Won, in which Gregory Peck praises the city of San Francisco.  He claims that it burns down about every five minutes, but each time they keep on rebuilding it a little bigger and better than before.

Where the white man once led the way, now the Japanese are leading the way.  Over to you, people of Nepal.  Show us whether you have the mettle of the nineteenth century white man or of the twenty-first century white man.

Related previous posts include:
Black violence: a black woman speaks out

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