Tuesday 4 November 2014

Should we demonise the holiday pay ruling?

A recent ruling by the Employment Appeal Tribunal may prove expensive for many employers.  The ruling is that holiday pay should reflect regular overtime in addition to the contracted hours of work.

On the one hand, this ruling is based on EU law, and so any employers who fear the consequences are free to reflect upon the fact that  this ruling would never have materialised if successive Labour and Tory governments had not taken this country further and further along the road of surrender to EU imperialism.

Nevertheless the EU is not always wrong, and this is a ruling which can benefit a lot of working people.  As for those employers who are worried by the financial impact, maybe they should try blaming someone other than their own workers for their financial misfortunes.

Companies pay tax on their profits and on their payrolls.  These taxes are used to meet the cost of the billions of pounds the British government squanders each year on such frivolities as EU membership.

Maybe British employers should blame Tory and Labour misrule for their financial misfortunes before they blame a legal ruling which benefits the common man.

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