Tuesday 11 November 2014

Independent praises immigration

The Independent newspaper has published on its website a list of ten supposed benefits of immigration to this country.  I will not list all of them, but I will open with the comment that it would be surprising if Britain did not benefit at all from immigration.  Nevertheless we are allowed to ask whether or not the benefits of immigration outweigh the negatives.

One of the supposed benefits is Marxism, which is akin to a sick joke.  How many millions of people around the world have died as victims of communism?  Another supposed benefit is a truly atrocious building called the ArcelorMittal Orbit.

Also on the list is the contribution that foreign nurses have made to the NHS, but The Independent does not explain why Britain has proved unable to train a sufficient number of nurses within our frontiers.  (Maybe because we are too busy training people in such vital subjects as sociology and media studies.)  The Independent also fails to explain how Britain can justify stealing talent from impoverished countries.

The list does not include Sir Charles Hallé, who founded both an orchestra and a college in Manchester.  In spite of his achievements, I cannot deny that he came to Britain as an entirely bogus asylum seeker.

It also appears that of all the immigrants who have come to this country in the past two hundred years, the ones who have proven the most beneficial - such as Alec Issigonis and Sir Charles Hallé - have been white.

I merely observe the fact.

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