Thursday 3 April 2014

How the ConDems waste your money

The government is planning on sending working people statements of how much tax they are paying and how the money is spent.  For example, a worker who pays £6781 in tax will contribute £882 to education, and so on.

There is a lot here that is of interest to the patriot.  Consider overseas aid.  This accounts for little more than half a percent of your total tax bill, and so it is easy to dismiss it as unimportant.  By contrast, less than three percent of your money goes on transport, which you might find annoying - especially if there are a lot of potholes in the roads where you live.

Suppose overseas aid were abolished, and the money spent instead on transport.  The transport budget would increase by nearly twenty percent.  How many miles of road could be resurfaced with that money?

Just over seven percent of your tax bill is spent on the interest on the national debt.  If the national debt were to be eliminated, then think what else we could spend the money on.  The health budget could be increased by more than a third.  Think how many hip replacements that might pay for.  Alternatively, the transport budget could be increased to nearly four times it current level.  Potholes might even become a distant memory.

The lion's share of your tax bill is spent on welfare, which of course includes payments to people who are out of work but who could be in work if the economy were better managed.  It also includes payments to people in poorly paid jobs who could be earning more if the economy were better managed.  Some of the money is paid to foreigners.  If the welfare budget were to be reduced even by as little as ten percent, then it would free up more than two percent of your tax bill to be spent elsewhere.

That alone could allow the transport budget to be increased by just over eighty percent, or the health budget to be increased by around twelve percent.

Here is a simple game plan for the government. Stop wasting money, and start spending tax money only on things that actually benefit the British people.

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