Wednesday, 31 July 2013

A small victory in Barnet

There are a lot of items in the news today which I could comment on.  An immigrant called Desmond Brooks has been arrested for one count of murder and two counts of attempted murder; a 12yo girl has been raped by two immigrant teenagers in Walthamstow; a church near to Marble Arch has put railings around its font to stop homeless immigrants from using it as a wash basin; more than six thousand households in Slough have people (possibly immigrants) living in sheds in their back gardens.

In 1937, Sir John Betjeman wrote: Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!  I merely observe the fact.

Anyway, which news item to comment on?  How about this one - a lawyer in Barnet has won a legal battle against his local council about the price of parking permits.  What annoys me in particular about this matter is the fact that it is nowadays commonplace for local authorities across Britain to employ senior staff on hugely inflated salaries.

Presumably the decision by Barnet Council to hike the price of parking permits was taken at a high level, and presumably was cleared by at least one high ranking council officer.  How much was that high ranking officer paid?  Did that high ranking officer know that the council was acting illegally?

If councils are going to pay huge salaries, then maybe they should restrict those huge salaries to those officers who are actually competent.  Maybe Barnet Council should reduce the salaries of its senior personnel with immediate effect.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

A challenge to the coward Farage

UKIP leader Nigel Farage has been quoted in the press as condemning the inflammatory language of Enoch Powell's famous rivers of blood speech.  Apparently he blames this speech for the susbsequent failure of the political establishment to debate immigration.

No blame attaches to the political establishment then Mr Farage?  Farage is of course a part of the political establishment.  His party considers it acceptable to vote Conservative.  Let me remind readers of the rivers of blood speech, which included this quote:

We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancés whom they have never seen.

So here is a challenge to the cowardly Nigel Farage.  You make a speech about immigration.  Do not include inflammatory language, but be sure to cover the most important issues.  Let's see if your speech manages to stimulate debate.  Or maybe it will just be ignored.

Lawful rebellion: a note of caution

Some of you may have read about the lawful rebellion movement, which involves members of the patriotic community fighting back against the establishment using a detailed knowledge of the law.

I for one have not tried this approach, and do not plan to.  I cannot spare the time to research some of the finer points of English law, and I am not going to present myself in court as a legal expert on the basis of what I have read on a website.

If this approach is for you, then fair enough.  Just make sure you go into it with your eyes open.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Clueless Tories

A national newspaper today is praising the government's handling of the economy, and also laying into the Labour Party for their unwillingness to admit the facts.

So let's consider some facts.

Unemployment fell by 57,000 to 2.51million in the quarter ending in May of this year.  At this rate it will take ELEVEN YEARS to achieve full employment in this country.  Many unemployed people will either reach retirement age - or die - during those eleven years, and so many people currently on JSA will by the government's own figures never find work.  Also, given that it is highly unlikely that unemployment will continue falling every quarter for the next eleven years, it is safe to assume that at some point the Tories will allow unemployment to start rising again, and that many people in this country will remain out of work their whole lives.
Basically therefore the evil Tory government is quite happy for many unemployed people to remain festering on the dole queues indefinitely, and in some cases forever.  If the Tories were serious about running the economy, they would pursue sensible policies, such as abolishing the Work Programme.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

More news from violent Britain

This weekend it is reported that a man called James Baillie has been murdered in Hamilton, Scotland; that an unnamed 54yo man has been murdered in Abergele, Wales; and that a 28yo man has been arrested for attempted murder after stabbing two people in Lurgan, Northern Ireland.

When will you or a member of your family be a victim of violent crime?  Wouldn't it make sense to join a political party which is dedicated to tackling violent crime?  Of course that rules out the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, and the Liberal Democrats.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Another victim of the bedroom tax

Stephanie Bottrill was driven to suicide by the under-occupation rules, often reported as the bedroom tax.  Now it seems that the bedroom tax has claimed another victim, except that this time the man did not actually die.  He merely cut his throat. He did so in public.

Are you looking forward to the day when a man cuts his throat in front of you?  Or are you going to join a political party which will actually create jobs?  The more people there are in work, the fewer people there are having to subsist on benefits.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Teachers wear stab-proof vests

I have felt for many years now that Britain is becoming a more violent place.  People will sometimes point to the latest statistics to argue that violent crime is actually falling, but it is a well known fact that crime statistics can be very misleading.

Today I read that teachers are buying stab-proof vests, and I have no trouble believing it.  Far too many of our schools are little more than breeding grounds for violent crime.  Maybe your local school is not a dangerous place ... yet.

If you dislike violent crime, then join a political party with sensible policies.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

The banksters are not Jonathan and Charlotte

Nationwide chairman Geoffrey Howe has defended his obscene salary with the ludicrous assertion that he and his fellow directors are just like pop stars and footballers.

No one needs to earn the kind of money that many directors earn, and very few people actually deserve such salaries.  A comparison with football players and pop stars does not bear scrutiny.  A football player can make money doing what very few people can do - win matches against tough opponents.  As soon as a player loses the ability to contribute to a winning team, he is out of a job.  Pop stars can make money when people buy their records or tickets for their concerts, but as soon as public interest dries up then so does the flow of money.

By contrast, banks and building societies make money by lending.  It is not on the whole a difficult job. You either lend to a given client or you do not.  As long as you avoid silly decisions, then you can expect to make a lot of money for your shareholders (or members).

Then again, you can expect to make a lot of money for yourself however well you do.  When the banks were in meltdown a few years ago, the government bailed them out, but the banksters did not forego their huge salaries.  Therein lies another difference.  Pop stars and football players are not bailed out with government money when things go wrong for them.

I wish Britain could elect a government which is dedicated to reforming the way banks and mutuals operate. I for one have had enough of greedy fat scumbags.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Traveller misery in Lancashire

The residents of Hardhorn in Lancashire are upset about an illegal traveller camp in a nearby field.  This is not merely about the violation of planning laws.  It is also about crime and anti-social behaviour.

Maybe they should all join a political party which believes that travellers should obey the same laws as the rest of us. I hope they realise that anyone who votes LibLabCon is the architect of whatever misery they endure.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Two unsurprising news items

The Park Lane squatters are back.  No sooner are one lot of east Europeans arrested for living rough in a posh area of London than another lot turn up. The posh people who live nearby might not be too pleased, but whose fault is that?

In other news it appears that Nick Clegg has admitted another failure of the government of which he is the deputy leader. This time the failure is regarding youth unemployment.  Of course it should be obvious to anyone that schemes for the unemployed are highly unlikely to work.  If there was any real value in schemes, then Britain would probably have achieved full employment years ago.

These two news items are linked by the fact that they are both the result of people not using their votes to good effect.  Find a political party with sensible policies and join it.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Immigrants versus Muslims

A Lithuanian man has been charged with murdering a Muslim man.  He may also be responsible for a bomb attack on a mosque.  And so we continue to experience the wonders of multiculturalism.

Muslims who do not want to be murdered by immigrants would do well to join a political party which seeks to end immigration.  They would also do well to give up being Muslims.  Contrary to what it says in The Koran, there is no such thing as male fruit.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Riots in Trappes

I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. [The Koran 8:12]

The French are having a spot of bother right now with four police officers having been injured by rioting Muslims in the town of Trappes.

I feel sorry for any Front National supporters who were caught up in the violence.  As for everyone else, what can I say?  Ever heard of reaping what you sow?

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Obama not like Trayvon

President Obama has likened the dead thug Trayvon Martin to a younger version of his evil presidential self.

So far as I am aware, Trayvon Martin never killed anyone.  He may have been violent, but he is simply not in the same league as the evil mass-murdering Barack Obama.

In other news, a German Messerschmitt pilot failed to shoot down an Allied B-17 Flying Fortress in December 1943. Presumably therefore its crew members would have been able to fly more missions, and slaughter even more innocent German civilians.

Another survey about immigration - yuk!

A national newspaper is reporting yet another survey about immigration.

Surveys,whatever they are about, are usually conducted by people working on zero hours contracts which leave them open to sanctions or even dismissal for petty reasons.

A lot of surveys are paid for with public money, and that money could easily be better spent.

Do not take part in surveys unless you are confident that it is not paid for with public money, and that the person conducting the survey has a decent contract of employment.

Also, do not think that expressing a point of view in a survey will make any difference to how Britain is governed.  If you want immigration cut, or if you want immigrants to receive less favourable treatment, then JOIN A POLITICAL PARTY WITH SENSIBLE POLICIES.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Free flights home for foreign crooks

Fifty police officers this morning arrested sixty-three Romanians who had been living rough in central London, and who had been linked to various crimes.  Twenty of them have accepted free flights back to Romania.

First, I wonder if their removal has anything to do with the rich people living nearby.  Would they have been removed if they had been bedding down on a council estate?

Second, giving these people free flights home seems to be an admission that Romanians can come to this country and steal or swindle their way to a free airline ticket.  Still, this is what the British people vote for, and therefore presumably what they want.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Catholics, stand by your Polish brother

A Polish man called Piotr Majchrowicz is in trouble with the General Pharmaceutical Council for daring to voice his religious beliefs in the workplace.

At the last general election, the people of Blyth voted overwhelmingly for political parties which support open door immigration from eastern Europe.  You don't need to be a genius to work out that that means more Roman Catholics in Britain. Therefore we should not be surprised if some immigrants express disgust at abortion.

Most people in this country who call themselves Christians are a right bunch of door mats. Why??!!??

Roman Catholics, take a stand.  Shout out your support for the courageous Piotr Majchrowicz.  In fact, anyone who goes to church - of whatever denomination - should call upon their church leaders to speak out against the communist persecution of a pious Christian.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

This hate speech shames Britain

We have to be careful what we say in this pre-communist nation of ours.  Speak out against immigration or Islam, and you could find yourself being arrested and intimidated by the police for thought crime.  It is illegal in the UK to incite racial or religious hatred, which is of course an attack on free speech, but the communists don't care.

The test for religious hatred is more restrictive than the test for racial hatred.  Any remark about race that can be deemed insulting can be classed as inciting racial hatred, whereas a remark has to be deemed threatening to be classed as inciting religious hatred.

If we accept that it is right to have laws about inciting hatred, then why can't we just have one law of inciting hatred with just one test?  Why should religious or racial hatred be treated any differently from political hatred or occupational hatred?

David Cameron was not arrested for inciting hatred when he famously made a nasty remark about UKIP supporters.  Similarly anyone can make an insulting remark about lawyers or estate agents without fear of being arrested.  But if you dare make an insulting remark about immigrants, then watch your back.

Today a national newspaper is making insulting remarks about a family of eight who live in a small flat.  Yes, go on - be nasty about them you cowards.  They can't hit back at you.  Your despicable hate speech will not land you in trouble with the law, and I don't suppose they can afford a libel suit.

If you care about the future of your country, then NEVER buy a newspaper which incites hatred of unlucky people.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

A polite message regarding Westminster City Council

A central London council has demanded the Romanian government sends its own police to Britain to deal with rough-sleepers from their country who are setting up camp in the capital.

Westminster Council says the problem is costing the taxpayer £500,000 a year with around 60 immigrants currently bedding down in Hyde Park and next to Marble Arch on Park Lane. 

These gangs are being blamed for crime and anti-social behaviour including pickpocketing, cashpoint fraud, and street scams.

How many councillors on Westminster City Council are or ever have been members of political parties which have sensible policies on migration?

How many residents of Westminster are members of a political party which has sensible policies on migration?

If you support one of the three main parties, then go to Hyde Park, and gaze upon the fruits of your wickedness.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Four YT channels

Here are four YouTube channels which I recommend you spend some time on.

In each case I am not directing you towards any one video, and neither do I necessarily endorse the contents of videos:

David Duke

Brother Nathanael



Sunday, 14 July 2013

Does the High Street have a future?

I live in a town with a large supermarket on the edge of the town centre.  So far so normal.  It also has a thriving main shopping street, which is not quite so normal these days.  There are charity shops, but not a huge number.  There are chain stores, but there are also independent shops and eateries.

Nevertheless many towns are not as lucky.  The enemies of the traditional high street are out of town shopping centres, internet shopping, and the shortage or lack of free parking.  The rise of internet shopping is not perhaps something governments can do much about, but governments can encourage local councils to provide free parking and also to say no to out of town developments.

If you want to save your high street, then maybe you should join a political party which actually wants to save it.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

So who did plant the bomb in Tipton?

Readers of The British Resistance site will perhaps have read about the recent bombing of a mosque in Tipton.  Some of the people who have left comments have implied that the bombing may be a hoax.  This of course may be true.  It is quite possible that someone connected with the mosque detonated the bomb at a time when it was unlikely to harm anyone.  It is also curious that the bomb was planted on a day when prayers had been postponed by an hour.

Nevertheless I remain firmly of the belief that this bomb was planted by a non-Muslim. As no one was killed or even injured, the bomber's trial will probably attract very little press interest.  Whatever the bomber has to say for himself (or herself) will largely go unheard.

Whatever you think if Islam, the plain fact is that bombing mosques is a non-starter.  Try joining a political party instead.

An insult to democracy

Is there one political party - either in this country or anywhere in the world - that truly believes in democracy?

Filibustering is the practice of attempting to obstruct legislation by the use of delaying tactics.  It is not remotely democratic, and it should be banned in any country which truly regards itself as democratic.  If legislation fails, then it should fail after a vote has been taken.

Nevertheless I am not aware of any political party which is actually opposed to filibustering.  Maybe we should try voting for politicians with principles.

Friday, 12 July 2013

How immigration changes countries

Two news items strike me as being of particular interest today.  The first is that children at at least one primary school in the UK are being denied water during Ramadan because it might upset Muslim pupils who are fasting.

Are Muslims who fast during Ramadan really upset by the sight of non-Muslims not fasting?  Do I care?

The other news item is that Ireland has legalised abortion.  The act allows any woman to have an abortion if she is suicidal, and of course any woman can pretend to be suicidal.  This legislation basically paves the way for a holocaust of the unborn, and was enacted following the death of immigrant Savita Halappanavar last year.  Apparently she and her husband were offended at being told that Ireland is a Catholic country.

Dear immigrants, please do not live in Catholic countries if you do not like Catholic values.  Dear Ireland, please tell your legislators to stop kowtowing to immigrants.  Dear Muslims, please stop being Muslims.  The sun does not set in water.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Well done Andy Murray, but ...

I have just read a nauseating comment in a national newspaper about Andy Murray winning Wimbledon.

I presume that the author is not about to be evicted from his home.  I presume that the author has not just been sacked from his job.  I presume that the author has not just had his benefits stopped as a punishment for being ill.  I presume that the author has never been stabbed or gang-raped.

It is easy for pretentious twits to bang on about how proud they are that Britain has another sporting victory to its credit, but really there are far more important things for our newspapers to be reporting.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

One scout hut down, many more to go

A school is selling land for housing.  Apparently it did not know it even owned the land until the scout troop which used the land told the school that it was the owner.

People may say that it is a shame that the scouts will have to find another venue, but Britain needs land for housing.  Immigration and a demand for second homes are driving up house prices all over Britain, and especially in areas like Kent.

 You have a choice.  Either join a political party with a sensible housing strategy, or else stand by helplessly as yet more of our land goes for new houses.  Then again, maybe the land will have a mosque built on it instead.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Gove's history lesson

Communist oppressor Michael Gove has ruled that in future schools in this country are to teach pupils about the communist oppressor Winston Churchill.

Will pupils be taught that Churchill was friendly with the mass-murderer Stalin?  Will they be taught that Churchill was himself a mass-murderer?  That he allowed the bombing of German cities by the murderous scum of Bomber Command?  That he allowed the enforced starvation of German soldiers by the mass-murderer Eisenhower?

And will pupils be taught that Churchill ate fine food washed down with champagne while the British people were going without food and sleeping in cold damp air raid shelters?

Update: this press report details some of Churchill's bad habits.

Friday, 5 July 2013

When will you be attacked by a vicious immigrant?

Derrick Kinsasi is a vicious immigrant.  He has not been deported.  Maybe one day he will attack you.

Then again, you could always join a political party which will deport all foreign criminals.  Doing so would put you in a tiny and largely despised minority, but is that really worse than being attacked by vicious immigrants?

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Immigrants and the rental market

The government has announced that it plans to fine landlords who let properties to immigrants without first checking that they are legally in the country.

In a sense this is good news.  Properly implemented, such a law would make it harder for illegal immigrants to prosper in this country.

The bad news though is that this will make life harder for private landlords, many of whom may not be clear exactly how to go about checking immigration status.

It is also bad news for anyone who might have trouble proving their immigration status, and this does not merely apply to immigrants.  Presumably the idea is that any person living in the UK will have to prove their status before they can rent a house or flat.  I hope you know where your passport is.